Established in 1921, PF Collins is the trusted, preferred, and experienced provider of international trade services and project logistics to Atlantic Canada’s offshore oil and marine industries. Providing a one-stop shop for exhibitors traveling to the St. John's or Halifax areas to attend professional trade shows or exhibitions, PF Collins will arrange freight forwarding of exhibit materials, effect customs clearance, and arrange local pick-up, distribution and storage.

Eastern Eastern Audio has been appointed as the official supplier for all your Exhibit needs at the Mile One Centre during OCEANS'14. The company has a long history of great service and superior equipment. Their professional and experienced staff will do their utmost to ensure you have everything you need to make your Booth a success. For further information and to answer all your questions connect to Eastern via this Link: http://easternaudio.com/

In business since 1982 McCarthy's Party has over 30 years of experience delivering all sorts of Tours, NL Travel Excursions and Newfoundland "Kitchen Party's". Their famous RALLY IN THE ALLEY is rated as one of the best times you can have while in the St. John's area. Its a "TIME" as we like to say in Newfoundland ! Fun and well organized the RALLY promises to be a night you will never forget.
Planning on coming early or staying late? got a partner or travel companion who needs something to do while you work? Make sure you check out McCarthy's many tours and services they offer. Their guides grew up in the province and are the best source for information on the culture, history, music and language that make this area so unique.